Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Class on Thursday and today (Tuesday) was different because Fukai-sensei was not there. The two instructors we had both had different teaching styles. Neither did any review before the daily quizzes, so I think most of us were caught a bit off guard. Also, I don't think that Thursday's lesson plan on noun modification was that clear, so today's quiz went pretty badly, for me at least. It was interesting to experience some new teaching methods. Satto-sensei used a lot of props and did not call on individual students to answer questions. Hatakeyama-sensei's instruction was interspersed with dry humor and toward the end he did call on individual students to answer questions. Neither instructor asked all the students to repeat the correct answer together, and sometimes I felt that the instructors answered the questions correctly themselves without making sure that we understood the underlying principles behind certain grammer patterns. Perhaps they mistook our silence for comprehension.

I felt though, that the three instructors - Fukai-sensei, Satto-sensei, and Hatakeyama-sensei - could have better communicated to each other what lesson plans should cover and brief the class on what to expect. I've gotten used to Fukai-sensei's style of teaching, and therefore was a bit unprepared for the other two instructors.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

こんにちは。TAの森です。Liさんの ぶんせき、とても おもしろかったです。 よく みていますね。 わたしも ごがくきょういくの べんきょうを しました。 それぞれの せんせいに とくいな スタイルが あって、それぞれの せいとに すきな スタイルが あるのが よくわかります。Liさんの きじは とても べんきょうに なりました。 また、いろいろ きかせて ください。

11:58 AM  

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